Hi! I’m Ethan, and this is my first year at WLCN. It only took one week of classes to become a huge fan of my school friends and teachers!
I live in Columbia with my Mommy, Daddy, and little brother Theo. One of our favorite things to do is visit the Robinson Nature Center in Columbia. The nature center has all kinds of fun things like a starfish, turtles, buffalo, bears, beavers, stars (a planetarium), and an awesome playground.
Out of all of those, the buffalo is my favorite. The last time we went it was gone from its normal spot, but I found it on the other side of the tree. They added a reindeer where the buffalo used to be and that’s also pretty cool.
My next favorite animal to find is the bear. We found him at the bottom of the stairs along with an owl. I really like owls and the way they sound, hoo hoo hoo!
After finding all my favorite animals I like to go to the playground and go down the slide. It’s a big tube slide with lots of bumps. Next I’ll balance on the stumps and try to jump from one to another.
If you like animals and playgrounds, and come on, who doesn’t, you should come check out the Robinson Nature Center. Tell them Ethan sent ya!